Our Church Leadership

Our Church thrives because of the energy and style of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special:

The Rev. John Koons- Interim Minister

Pastor Koons has agreed to serve as our Interim Pastor as of October 1, 2017 until a permanent pastor has been called.


Music Director

Bell Choir

Ronald Kline, Organist 

Ron joined us as our organist in the spring of 2005 and became a member of Pine Street in 2007. A self taught musician and organ "fanatic", Ron previously served as organist at a Lutheran Church in Hammonton, New Jersey for 32 years. Ron also sings in our choir, plays in our bell choir, has served on Church Council, and actively volunteers his time to help the various activities of the church.  Ron is interested in expanding his role in the church, and continuously seeks new challenges and opportunities to serve PSELC. He is a retired teacher, previously employed by the New Jersey prison system.

Caz Morgan, Custodian 

Caz began his duties as custodian in July of 2012. He is occasionally joined by one or more of his children. He has been a long-time member of Pine Street Lutheran Church and helps with the Cub Scout Troop that meets at our church.

Nicole Cummins, Secretary 

Nicole handles many of the day to day operations. Nicole originally worked as a social worker for Foster Care and Adoption for 15 years before taking some time off to raise her two boys. When she is not working, she can be found volunteering, reading or spending time with her husband and two boys. 

March 11, 2025



God's Mission for Pine Street Lutheran Church
Is to share our faith, hope, and love through prayer, discipleship, ministry, and worship.


Join Us!

If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved. We hope you'll come see what God is doing at Pine Street Church.  All are welcome!





Contact Information:

Church Phone:  570-275-2110

Church Email:  pinestch@ptd.net

What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is the ELCA page.

 A Congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

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