Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Pine Street Lutheran Church:
I know--here you go again! Another Interim Pastor!
Allow me to introduce myself to you. I am the Rev. John R. Koons. I grew up in York, PA, graduated from Susquehanna University and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, served churches in Bethlehem, Easton and Harrisburg, Brooklyn and
Queens before receiving a call to Good Shepherd, in Berwick, where I was pastor for 18 ½ years. I retired from there in 2014.
I now serve as Dean of the North Branch Conference of the Upper Susquehanna Synod.
I’ve gotten to know some of the members of Pine Street over the past year as we dealt with the severance of the agreement between Pine Street and Trinity, Oak Grove. I am aware of some of the struggles Pine Street has endured over the past year or so.
Now, we begin a new chapter in each of our lives. Bishop Collins has asked me to serve as your Interim Pastor for at least a year, unless you call a pastor before that time.
My hope and prayer is that we can work together to grow in our faith and our commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. That is my only agenda–to restore hope, love and faith to this community.
But, I can’t do that alone! It cannot happen without the desire and commitment of each member of Pine Street. Yes, there have been differences within the congregation. There have been hurt feelings. There have been arguments. There have been hurtful things said and done on and from all sides.
If our time together is to be fruitful, we must move beyond those things. We need to recommit ourselves to serving Christ. We need to look at the gifts and talents each member of Pine Street has, and how they can be employed in moving ahead to be a healthy congregation.
Disagreements and factions are not new in the Church. Read any of St. Paul’s letters, and you will remember that he was dealing with many of them and be the church Christ intended us to be. We are many members with various gifts and talents the same problems that we face today. While you’re doing that, hear his words of encouragement on how to overcome, but we are all part of the same body. Our task is to work to meld all those gifts, talents, and yes, opinions, into the Body of Christ!
I’ve shared some of my history with you. I’ve shared my hope, dreams and prayers with you. I look forward in our time together, to hear your histories (personal and as a congregation), and to hear your hopes and dreams for this congregation. In Christ! Pastor Koons
March 29, 2025 WORSHIP TIME 9:00 AM Sunday School, Children's Sunday School and Informal Adult Discussion Group 10:30 AM Worship Followed by Fellowship each Sunday (Except on Sundays near July 4, Labor Day, Sunday after Thanksgiving, Sunday near Christmas, New Years Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day)
God's Mission for Pine Street Lutheran Church
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